All for Jesus through the sorrowful Heart of Mary

or the Seraphic Sisters, who follow the example of St. Francis, the Gospel, where Jesus is presented as the Way, the Truth, and the Life, is the basis for their life and spirituality. They strive to be one with God in complete surrender to His will. Faith, hope and love are the virtues by which they approach their personal relationship with God and express their dependence on Him. The Eucharist remains at the center of their relationship with God and is understood as the ever-flowing spring of God’s merciful love. Each day, sisters strengthen their intimacy with God at the Eucharistic Celebration, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Liturgy of the Hours, meditation, and spiritual reading.

The Seraphic Sisters hold a special devotion to the Mother of God and honor her as Our Lady of Sorrows. They contemplate the life of Mary, learning from the one who is full of grace, always faithful, humble, and obedient, how to be a true servant of God. They learn from the Blessed Mother how to be joyful in the Lord as well as how to be united with Him, especially with Him being crucified. The daily meditation on the mysteries of the life of Jesus and Mary through the prayer of the Holy Rosary, is an essential element of their constant conversation with God.

Following the teaching of the Gospel, the Sisters are serving those around them and treat them as brothers and sisters of Jesus. They especially see Jesus in the less fortunate, the sick, the elderly, and those who are considered as the outcasts of society. Following the example of Jesus Christ and His beloved Mother, they strive to develop an attitude of humility and respect towards everyone by becoming, through the grace of God, insignificant, unimportant, simple instruments in God’s hands. They always want to be true to the Congregation’s motto: All for Jesus through the sorrowful Heart of Mary.

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